
Mods for napoleon total war on steam
Mods for napoleon total war on steam

mods for napoleon total war on steam

The original NTW vanilla game was also designed to be fast paced with intense short battles. And in this case the historically accurate way of playing battles just took it too far for me Understandable, many TW players are use to the fast action first person shooter games. But there is historically accurate, and then there is NTW3. Which some people surely love, but i am not one of them. One of the most important things for me are the battles, and to me NTW3 have sacrificed too much game-play fun to give way to as historically accurate as you can possibly do. Unpack into Napoleon DATA folder.Įnjoy the the largest overhaul of Total War Rome 2: WARS OF THE GODS-ANCIENT WARS SIRLION BATTLE TERRAIN: Larger Deployment Zones and Varied terrain. House Rules: Best to let AI build up some forces for 10 turns before attacking, Use ultra size settings and set unit multiplier to 1.3 to 1.6 in your preferences file. Battles will be very bloody affairs so you are going to have to change your tactics.

mods for napoleon total war on steam


I did what I could with lousy CA AI code and path finding. Larger naval ship movement ranges.īattle AI new formations, longer range for muskets and artillery- but less accurate,better flanking behavior, less blobbing, more fire fights, new morale settings for longer battles, new fatigue settings, new mass settings for men and cavalry-horses may pass through units-had to change as it caused major problems for the AI.

mods for napoleon total war on steam

(1805 European Campaign) HARD/HARD SETTINGS.Ĭampaign AI -Better Ai faction Region development,Technology research,Expansion,Regional defense, construction behaviors-more aggressive WAR settings, better diplomacy-allies will help more, unit balances, unit caps. New Campaign AI and BAI settings for NTW3 v9.3 Single Player Campaign.

Mods for napoleon total war on steam