
Combine two dataframes pandas
Combine two dataframes pandas

combine two dataframes pandas

The concat function has a number of different options for combining data, including, but not limited to: For example, two DataFrames with the columns X, Y, Z and 10 rows each will join together into a single DataFrame with the columns X, Y, Z and 20 rows of data. The concat method joins DataFrames together when columns match.īy itself, concat() will join two or more DataFrames with the same keys or "column headings," and push the rows together one after the other.This function provides simple joining of two DataFrames that can be expanded with the union option or intersection logic similar to traditional relational databases. The core function for combining data is concat(). Before diving into some of the more complex combination sets we might use, let’s take a look at a few of the simpler methods. Pandas offers a number of methods for combining data with different sets of logic.


Note that we've created a complete Jupyter Notebook with the source data files for this series of modules, which you can download and install locally. This will provide a better view of where we’re going with this data set and what overall insights we can leverage. With all the missing values dealt with, let’s combine data from the product, customer, and purchase datasets to get a more complete set of data in a single DataFrame. Part 7 - Data Visualization using Seaborn and Pandas.Part 6 - Reshaping Data in a Pandas DataFrame.Part 5 - Cleaning Data in a Pandas DataFrame.Part 4 - Combining Multiple Datasets in Pandas.Part 3 - Correcting Missing Data in Pandas.Part 2 - Loading CSV and SQL Data into Pandas.Part 1 - Introducing Jupyter and Pandas.If you’d like to check out the other articles in the series, you can find them here: It’s aimed at getting developers up and running quickly with data science tools and techniques. This article is part of the Data Cleaning with Python and Pandas series.

combine two dataframes pandas

  • Download CSV and Database files - 127.8 KB.

  • Combine two dataframes pandas